Corresponding author.Yejun Xu was born in 1979. He is a lecturer of Business School, Hohai University. He received the M.S. degree in 2005 and the Ph.D. degree in 2009 both in management science and engineering, from Southeast University, China. His current research interests include multicriteria decision making, computing with words, and information sciences. E-mail: xuyejohn@ Chao Huang was born in 1968. He is an associate professor of School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology. He received the B.S. degree in applied physics from Suzhou University, M.S. degree in thermal power engineering and Ph.D. degree in management science and engineering from Southeast University, respectively. His research interests include investment and financing decision-making, real options applications in energy markets. E-mail: cchhuang @ Qingli Da was born in 1945. He is a professor with the School of Economic and Management, Southeast University, China. He has contributed over 200 journal articles to professional journals. His current research is reverse logistics. E-mail: dqlseunj @ Xinwang Liu was born in 1968. He received the Ph.D. degree in management science and engineering from Southeast University, China. Now, he is a professor with the School of Economic and Management, Southeast University, China. His current research interests include information fusion, aggregation operators, and net work decision application. E-mail: xwliu@