Corresponding author.Yejun Xu was born in 1979. He received the M.S. degree in 2005 and the Ph.D. degree in 2009 both in management science and engineer- ing, both from Southeast University. His current research interests include multicriteria decision making, computing with words, and information sciences. E-mail: xuyejohn@ Qingli Da was in 1945. He is a professor with the School of Economic and Management, Southeast University. He has contributed over 200 journal articles to professional journals. E-mail: dqlseunj @ Xinwang Liu was in 1968. He received the Ph.D. degree in management science and engineering from Southeast University. Now, he is a professor with the School of Economic and Management, Southeast University. His current research inter- ests include information fusion, computing with words, aggregation operators, and network deci- sion application. E-mail: