Using researches of tourist destination image based on the text from the internet,and the quantitative research of geographical name culture landscape, we adopted the methodof text mining in this thesis to study the regional culture value orientation of Yuxianpaper-cuts. The text data is obtained from the Taobao Website, the biggest e-commerceplatform for online shops, which includes the shop information and the descriptive text ofgoods of Yuxian paper-cuts. Four conclusions can be drawn as follows: 1) The locations ofonline shops selling Yuxian paper-cuts are particularly attached to the large cities such asZhangjiakou and Beijing, which are the regional centres of economic and culturaldevelopment adjacent to Yuxian County. 2) The phrases the sellers use to describe Yuxianpaper-cuts follow the power-law distribution and exhibit a long-tail pattem. The valueorientation is dominated by a few phrases, such as gift, go abroad, characteristic, China, andcontains a large number of phrases in small niches. The special power-law distribution curveis called curve of "the Long Tail". 3) The high or medium frequency phrases at the Long Tailpresents a leading value orientation of Yuxian paper-cuts: gifts of foreign affairs and businesswith the local folk customs and culture as its connotation. For the Zhangjiakou-based onlineshops, sellers use more phrases focused on packaging and decorative description, but for theonline shops based in Beijing, sellers lay particular stress on handicraft technology andcultural connotation characterization of Chinese local folk customs. 4) The large number ofphrases at the tail of the curve are not only the concrete expressions of the regional cultureconnotation of paper-cuts goods, but also the further proof of the leading value orientationand above all, they are the result of adapting to the development of personalized marketingmode for e-commerce on internet. And the text mining of regional culture value orientationbased on internet data source will provide a new research