针对目前iSCSI SAN中网络链路的性能瓶颈和单点故障问题,研究了虚拟网络I/O通道技术。将多个物理网络接口绑定为一个虚拟网络接口,使得多条物理链路整合为一个逻辑网络L/O通道,数据包按照负载均衡算法通过多条链路并行传输,大大提高iSCSI SAN吞吐率和系统的可用性。最后通过性能分析和实验测试得以验证。
To solve the problem of the single point failure and the performance bottleneck of the network link, high speed virtual network channel technology was researched and a solution of multiple physical network interfaces bonding scheme was presented. This method integrated multiple physical links into a single logical network I/O channel and could transmit packets in parallel based on the algorithm of load balancing, which can enormously improve the availability and throughput of iSCSI SAN. At last such idea was verified by performance analysis and experiment test.