针对SSL VPN通讯性能较低的问题,在分析其性能瓶颈之后,提出了一种将部分SSL传输负载转移到内部服务器的解决方案.根据此时VPN服务器的工作特点,还设计了IP报文嫁接算法来进一步优化其传输性能.试验证明,采用上述技术之后SSL VPN的整体吞吐率得到了极大的提高.
This paper analyzes the bottleneck of SSL VPN,and proposes a new solution in which a portion of SSL transfer load was transmitted from SSL VPN server to the backend application servers. In addition,an IP packets engrafting algorithm is designed to accelerate the SSL VPN server. Experiment shows that the overall throughput of SSL VPN got large improvement by adopting those solutions.