针对当前云计算环境下的资源分配算法不能充分考虑买卖双方利益的问题,提出了一种适用于云计算环境的组合双向拍卖资源分配模型。首先,初始化云经纪人列表和供应商报价列表,拍卖人通知拍卖参与者拍卖开始;然后,根据属性值按升序排序云经纪人请求和云服务供应商报价列表;最后,获胜的云经纪人向相关云服务供应商发送任务并支付费用,云服务商执行任务。利用Cloud Sim的仿真实验表明,提出的模型适用于云环境中的资源分配,在经济上非常有效。相比其他的现有模型,提出的模型更能鼓励参与者在买卖双方公平公正的前提下根据真实估值竞购资源。
For the problem of present resource allocation algorithm in cloud computing environment can't fully consider the benefits for the users and providers,this paper proposed a resource allocation model based on combinatorial double auction in cloud computing environment. Firstly,it initialized cloud broker list and suppliers quotation list,and the auctioneer notified the auction began to auction participants. Then,it sorted cloud agent requests and cloud service providers offer list by attribute. Finally,the winning cloud agents assigned tasks and paid to the cloud service providers,which would execute the tasks.The simulate experiments by using Cloud Sim show that the proposed model suits for cloud computing in resource allocation and is economically efficient. Besides,the proposed CDARA model represents the incentive-compatible characteristics,which will encourage the participants to bid for the resource combinations according to their true valuations.