目的探讨质子MRS检查正常肝脏同一感兴趣区(ROD的可重复性。方法对31名正常志愿者,采用GE Signa Excite HD 3.0T超导磁共振扫描仪,8通道相控阵线圈,单体素PRESS序列。采集参数为TR/TE:1500ms/30/ms,NSA:64次,ROI:2cm×2cm×2cm。对预扫描匀场效果和抑水效果、SNR和基线稳定性、水峰和脂质峰两次重复测量及水峰、脂质峰测量结果间的相关性行统计学分析。结果相同部位两次MRS检查得波谱SNR(Z=-0.535,P=0.593)、基线稳定性(Z=-0.333,P=0.739)、自动匀场线宽(Z=-0.305,P=0.761)、抑水(Z=-1.232,P=0.218)、脂质峰高度(Z=-0.558,P=0.557)、脂质峰峰下面积(Z=-1.195,P=0.232)、水峰高度(Z=-0.647,P=0.518)、水峰峰下面积(Z=-0.118,P=0.906)差异均无统计学意义。前后两次脂质峰面积、水峰面积相关系数分别为0.784(P〈0.001)和0.799(P〈0.001)。结论在体质子MRS单体素PRESS序列采集具有可重复性。
Objective To explore the reproducibility of normal hepatic MRS at 3.0T. Methods The hepatic proton MRS was performed with GE Signa Excite HD 3.0T system and eight-channel torso phased-array coils using PRESS sequence. Thirty-one healthy individuals were enrolled in this study. Liver spectra were collected with TR of 1500 ms, TE of 30 ms, ROI of 2 cm× 2 cm× 2 cm, NSA of 64 times. The outcomes were statistically analyzed with Wilcoxon signed ranks test and Spearman correlation test. Results There was no significant difference of signal to noise ratio (Z= -0. 535, P= 0. 593), baseline stability (Z= -0. 333, P=0. 739), linewidth of automatic shimming (Z=-0. 305, P=0. 761), water suppression (Z=- 1. 232, P=0. 218), height of lipid peak (Z=- 0. 558, P=0. 557), area under the lipid peak (Z=- 1. 195, P= 0. 232), height of water peak (Z=-0. 647, P=0. 518) and area under tbe warter peak (Z=-0. 118, P=0. 906) between first examination and second examination. Correlation coefficient of the former and the later measurements of lipid area and water area were 0. 784 (P〈0. 001) and 0. 799 (P〈0. 001), respectively. Conclusion The reproducibility is good for in vivo liver proton MRS at 3.0T.