In the present paper, chemical connections between carbohydrate and lignin were analyzed based on the perspectives of mannose to further understand the bonds between hemicelluloses and lignin in gymnosperms. D - 13C6 - Mannose and the inhibitor of phenylalanine ammonia - lyase was injected into a living ginkgo tree with exoge- nous lignin precursors to make the growing plant cell wall mannose units being marked by carbon - 13 and stop con- verting to lignin, respectively. The 13C abundance results show that the hemicelluloses was marked successfully, and deposition of hemicelluloses in the cell wall is effective in the secondary wall. FI - TR spectrum indicated that the metabolism of ginkgo was normally with exogenous injections. The high resolution CP/MAS 13C -NMR spectra confirmed the bounds, which mainly are ether linkage between C6 position of mannose units in hemicelllulose and α - C of lignin side.