Owing to system and occasional errors, atmospheric correction is the basis of application of remote sensing images. Based on FLAASH model in ENVI4.5, the paper implemented atmospheric correction to one scene image of Hyperion data and evaluated the quality of corrected image. Firstly, the boarders between both land cover types were made more clearly from each other in processed images than that in raw images. The local contrast was enhanced from raw images to corrected images. Secondly, double spectral curves of images demonstrated the obvious difference, while spectral curve for forest was similar to that from standard spectral library of USGS. Lastly, both indices of Average Gradient and Shannon were calculated for four typical objects, including forest, water, transportation and urban land cover. Average Gradient gave a good evidence for the effect of atmospheric correction by larger values for corrected images. Shannon had adverse values and gave an indirect check. All in all, image quality evaluation showed that the atmospheric correction method was a likely solution to eliminate the influence of atmosphere on remote data, while the model and parameters selected were corret.