The Gassmann'well-known equation combined with Eshellby-Walsh elhpsoidal inclusion theory to considethe pore geometry to inverse porosity ianalyzed which habeen proved thathe compressional wave velocity influenced by the pore geometry greatly in carbonate reservoirs. And an approximate form igoto Gas- smann' equation to propose new method to inverse porosity suitable focarbonate reservoirafteanalyzing the suitable approximate and replacemenof the coefficients. working flow foinversing porosity, and also the calcu- lating method of all parameterfothe inversion iproposed. real survey datiused to prove the applicability of the method and geconclusion thathe method isuitable fopredicting the porosity focarbonate reservoirwith high accuracy.Thimethod isuitable fopredicting the porosity of carbonate reservoirbecause the bulk moduluof carbon- ate rock imuch biggethan otherocklike sandstoneand so on, especially in the deep depth, where can resulin high-pressure compaction, and where the compressibility of dry rock imuch smallethan the rock pore fluid' s.