Many studies have been confirmed pore structure has a great influence on acoustic velocity in a carbonate reservoir. Therefore, the porosity inversion must take into account the influence of pore structure. In this paper, we first derive a simplified Gassmann equation by using a reasonable assumption in which the compressive coefficient of the saturated pore fluid is much greater than the rock matrix and utilize the Eshelby-Walsh relation to replace the equivalent modulus of dry rock in the Gassmann equation. On this basis, we derive a new formula of the three parameters for porosity calculation to take into account the rock pore structure parameters, saturated rock compressibility coefficient and rock matrix compression coefficient. The rock matrix compression coefficient in the formula is iverted by combining the Russell fluid factor with the Gassman-Biot-Geertsma equation. Rock pore structure parameters and the rock matrix compression coefficient in the formula are preferably converted to P. S- wave velocities and density relational expression by logging cross plot technology. Predicting the porosity for specific areas based on the pore structure of carbonate is derived. At the last, the practical data proves that the accuracy of a new approach to predict the porosity based on the pore structure of carbonate is higher than the conventional method.