标本产自广西南宁附近六景下泥盆统的郁江组,为腕足类Athyris grandis(Wang)。标本背腹瓣的右后侧有对称的弧形深沟,认为是壳体幼年期被咬造成的创口愈合后继续长大造成的伤残畸形,并怀疑此伤残可能是头足类所为。
This specimen was found in Liujing, nearby Nanning, Guangxi. It is an Athyris grandis (Wang) which belongs to the Yujiang Formation of Lower Devonian. At the left rear side of the dorso-ventral valve of the brachiopod, there are two symmetrical deep arc furrows, which were considered biting marks cephalopods, when juvenile stage, the together with its abnormality. abnormality This is in China. it was wound made by some attacked during its healed and grew body and finally caused the first report of brachiopod