文中描述广西靖西寒武系芙蓉统的海桩化石新材料,确定其为海桩纲角首目一新种:Nanocar pusguoleensissp.nov.。新种特征如下:个体较小,长梨形萼,向后变尖。萼框较宽,由10块边缘板和2块口缘板组成,前端连续,后端不封闭。轭棒较粗,前段与后段之间明显断开。萼末端开口处见扇形肛椎。桩腕较短,基部较宽,始端见细长刺,前部有粗壮刺。
Abstract Five specimens collected from the Guole For- mation of the Furongian (Late Cambrian) in the Guole area of Jingxi, Guangxi, are described. One new species Nanocarpus guoleensis sp. nov. is proposed to accommodate these new materials. The new species is defined by the small-sized, long pear-shaped theca which sharpens backwards. The frame, consisting of ten broad marginal plates and two short adoral plates, has an integral front part and an unclosed back part. The zygal is sturdy, with an obvious breach between the front and back. The anal pyramid is located on the extremity of theca. The aulacophore is relatively shorter and has a relatively wider base, carries some fine spines at proximal part and rough thorn on distal part.