报道了福建被子植物2个新记录属:假野菰属(Christisonia)和猫儿菊属(Hypochaeris),5个新记录种:假野菰(Christisonia hookeri)、假蒲公英猫儿菊(Hypochaeris radicata)、刺果毛茛(Ranunculus muricatus)、阔萼凤仙花(Impatiens platysepala)和利川阴山荠(Yinshania lichuanensis),其中假蒲公英猫儿菊为新归化种,并提供了相应的生境或特写图片.凭证标本均保存于福建师范大学生命科学学院植物标本馆(FNU).
Two newly recorded genus Christisonia and Hypochaeris, five newly recorded species including Christisonia hookeri, Hypochaeris radicata, Ranunculus muricatus, Impatiens platysepala and Yinshania lichuanensis of Angiosperm in Fujian Povince were reported. Among them, Hypochaeris radicata belong to newly naturalized species. And photos of these plants were provided. All the vouchers specimens were preserved in Herbarium of College of Life Science, Fujian Normal University (FNU).