The existing association rule mining algorithms or methods waste most of their time on the correlation set database scanning, the frequent scanning and the generating of redundant frequent itemsets candidates during their rule acquisition computation. The traditional methods can get more comprehensive mining results, but not all of the rules that came from the mining result are important. Traditional methods don' t reflect the importance of association rules so as to have inefficiency for mining results, and they are not conducive to the gaining of main target results. Aimed at the mining of important goal, an improved Apriori algorithm based on linked list structure and heap sort is proposed. The algorithm scans the whole database to get the frequency of the appearance of each item set among the whole datasets and do the heap sort. Then,according to the established heap,all the k rank candidate sets are obtained and the relative support is calculated. The support degree of different project sets is compared with the minimum support degree. If the minimum support is met,the corresponding frequent item set should be added to the list, or it should be cut according to the shear or pruning strategy. By connecting operation, the candidate k + 1 order item set can be obtained from the generated k order frequent item sets, so to generate the k + 1 order frequent item sets. In this way, the generation of frequent itemsets can be greatly improved, and the mining results of important association rules can be provided, which can improve the speed of operation.