针对实现移动视频监控系统面临实时性高、运算量大、可用带宽有限的挑战,提出一种新颖的以TI Da-V inci技术为支持、TMS320DM6446 Soc为基础的解决方案;完成了相应软硬件设计,并通过GPRS网络实现了移动视频监控的功能。该方案具有实时性高、部署灵活、性能优越、体积小、成本低的特点,随着3G网络的开通和手机处理能力的增强,在移动视频监控领域有着广泛的应用前景。
Developing mobile video surveillance system need tackle considerable challenges including high real-time, high computing and bandwidth limitation. In virtue of hardware-software co-design approach and TI DaVinci technology, the proposed resolution based on DM6446 tackled these challenges to implement mobile video surveillance functions through GPRS network. The experimental results demonstrate that this system has some merits such as high real-time, distribution flexibility, perfect performance, small volume, cost-effectiveness. With the advent of 3G and the improvement of mobile phone' s computing power, this proposed system can be applied to a variety of mobile video surveillance applications.