目的对地黄饮子(熟地黄、山茱萸、五味子、巴戟天、麦冬等)中挥发性成分进行分析,建立其挥发性成分的气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)指纹图谱。方法采用GC-MS联用技术对自制10批地黄饮子的挥发性成分进行分析,建立其指纹图谱,确定共有色谱峰并对其进行归属认定。结果 10批自制地黄饮子指纹图谱中共标定18个共有色谱峰,分别由五味子、石菖蒲、远志和肉桂四味药材贡献产生。结论地黄饮子的GC-MS指纹图谱特征性及专属性强,该指纹图谱可作为地黄饮子挥发性成分质量控制的稳定方法。
AIM To analyze the volatile components of Rehmannia Drink (Rehmanniae Radix praeparata, Corni Fructus, Schisandrae chinensis Fructus, Morindae officinalis Radix, Ophiogonis Radix, etc. ) by gas chroma- tography-mass spectrometry fingerprint. METHODS The volatile components of ten batches of self-made Reh- mannia Drink were analyzed and the chromatographic fingerprints were established by GC-MS. The common peaks of the fingerprint were defined. RESULTS Eighteen main characteristic components from Schisandrae chinensis Fructus, Acori tatarinowii Rhizoma, Polygalae Radix and Cinnamomi Cortex in the volatile components were identi- fied and defined. CONCLUSION GC-MS fingerprint of Rehmannia Drink is the reliable and accurate method and can be used for quality control.