总结了2010年江苏如东沿岸岸基绿潮藻分布调查结果。结果发现,如东紫菜养殖筏架、沿岸堤坝、养殖池塘和人海河道中均有大量绿潮藻分布;通过对江苏如东沿岸采集的15个绿潮藻样品进行ITS、5SrDNA间隔序列分析和形态观察,共鉴定出6种绿潮藻:浒苔(U.tva prolifera)、缘管浒苔(U.linza)、扁浒苔(ucompressa)、曲浒苔(U.flexuosa)、条浒苔(U.clathra-ta)和肠浒苔(U.intestinalis)。紫菜养殖筏架上未发现U.clathrata,其他5种绿潮藻均有生长。矿prolifem分布最广,河道、堤坝、池塘和紫菜筏架上均有分布,并在如东沿岸两个岸基位点发现了与2008年青岛大规模漂浮浒苔优势种序列一致的绿潮藻。紫菜养殖筏架、沿岸堤坝、养殖池塘和人海河道绿潮藻生物量(湿重)约为3.95×10^3kg、9.6×10^5kg、3.75×10^3kg和0.15×10^3kg。本论文为阐释绿潮发生机制及溯源提供了一定依据。
The investigation of the green tide algae along the coastal area of Rudong in Jiangsu province was carried out in Apr. , 2010. The result showed that the green tide algae could grow well on the Porphyra cultivating rafts, the dams, fish culture ponds and rivers flowing into the ocean and the biomass of each area was 3.95 × 10^6 kg, 9.6× 10^5 kg, 3.75×10^63 kg and 0.15 ×10^3 kg, re- spectively. According to results of morphology observations and ITS, 5S rDNA sequences analysis of 15 samples of green tide algae collected from the four areas, totally 6 species were identified : Ulva prolifera, U. linza, U. compressa, U. clathrata, U. flexuosa and U. intestinalis. All of them except U. clathrata were found on the Porphyra raft. U. prolifera was one of most widespread species. We collected U. prolifera at two spots at Rudong inshore area which had the same DNA sequence as the species that caused the green tide in 2008. This study may provide some data for the researches on the algal origin and the breakout mechanism of the green tide.