经尿道前列腺剜除术因良好的安全性、疗效、极低的复发率和极少的并发症,成为近年来治疗前列腺增生手术的主流术式。剜除术中常用的手术需要的能量系统和设备有多样,各有所长,其中,激光是常用和临床效果可靠的设备之一。本文旨在探讨一种波长为1 900nm的Vela激光,可行汽化切割剜除前列腺增生组织的新武器、成为剜除治疗BPH新领袖的安全性和有效性。
In recent years,as transurethral enucleation of the prostate for the aged is considered to be safe and effective,enucleation technique has becoming increasingly widespread.Various tools and modes have been adopted in such operation,among which laser is the most commonly used.Vela laser is a new generation of surgical laser.It is minimally invasive with several advantages,including rapid vaporization and minimal tissue damage and bleeding.This thesis aims to explore whether Vela laser is a promising technique in transurethral enucleation of the prostate.