波动 的盖住雪的举起( FSCE )是 conceptualized 并且建议在多山的 regions.Two 参数描绘在盖住雪、没有雪的区域之间的边阶的在内年变化,免费时期( Tm )和雪释放的雪也就是中部持续时间(在),被定义确定 FSCE 的 FSCE.A 回归模型与 25km 的空间分辨率在雪产品数据的东方 Tibet.Statistical 分析为拉萨河盆, Niyang 河盆,和 Changdu 区域被开发?畢?桴??
Fluctuating snow-covered elevation (FSCE) was conceptualized and proposed to characterize within-year variation of the border between snow-covered and snow-free area in mountainous regions. Two parameters, namely median of snow flee period (Tm) and snow free duration (AT), were defined to quantify FSCE. A regression model of FSCE was developed for the Lhasa River Basin, Niyang River Basin, and Changdu region in eastern Tibet. Statistical analysis of the snow-products data with a spatial resolution of 25km×25km shows that: (1) Tm correlates weakly with geographical and topographic factors, having the yearly mean value of July 31; (2) △T correlates significantly with the average elevation of the snow-products cell, having the yearly mean value of nearly five months (i.e., 151 days); (3) the region begins snow disappearance in late April and finishes snow coverage in mid November, being snow-free from late June to mid September and snow-covered from December to March in the next year. In addi- tion, snow-products with higher spatial resolution will be helpful to characterize FSCE in smaller spatial scales.