一个典型的连续数据保护(CDP,Continuous Data Protection)系统必须具有一个高效的存储系统来支撑.本文提出了一种分布式的存储模型,在此基础之上设计了一个面向CDP应用的分布式存储系统.同传统CDP系统相比,本文提出了分布式存储应用于CDP应用,将文件级和块级的数据存储都归纳到一个存储系统中;通过引入了元数据和数据分离的思想,并且把数据分级存储.根据原型系统的理论论证以及测试,结果表明,论文所提存储模型很好的解决了CDP服务器低效率,高负荷的问题,并且具有低成本的优势.
A typical Continuous Data Protection system must have an efficient storage system to support the CDP application.The paper proposed a distributed storage model and the architecture based on the model,also designed a distributed storage system.Compared to other distributed file system,the system has its creative points: Applying the distributed storage to CDP application;The distributed storage system supports file-level and block-level storage;This paper introduces the idea which stores the meta-data and data separately,and stores the data on different block levels.Through the demonstration and test of the prototype,the result indicates that the model and the method proposed in the paper can improve the efficiency of storage,use the bandwidth well,also decrease the load of CDP Server.Most important,the system has the advantage of low cost.