采用加拿大BOMEN公司生产的MR-254型傅里叶变换红外(Fourier Transform InfraRed,FTIR)光谱仪,探讨了标定方法对被动式红外光谱仪辐射测量精度的影响。以温度范围为50-1000℃的高温黑体和温度范围为300-1700℃的超高温黑体作为标准辐射体,分别采用线性和非线性多点校准法对光谱仪进行了标定。结果表明,采用多点非线性校准法的校准结果更加精确,其校准后的辐射谱与理论辐射谱之间的平均相对偏差为0.6%。
The influence of calibration methods on the radiation measurement precision of a passive Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) spectrometer is studied by an MR-254 FTIR spectrometer from BOMEN Corp.. Taking a high temperature blackbody in the temperature range 50 ℃to 1000 ℃and a ultra high temperature blackbody in the temperature range 300 ℃ to 1700 ℃ as the standard radiators, the spectrometer is calibrated by using linear and nonlinear multipoint calibration methods respectively. The results show that the nonlinear multipoint calibration method is more accurate than the linear multipoint calibration method. The average relative difference between the calibrated radiation spectra and the theoretical radiation spectra is within 0.6%.