融水小型猪的种源来自广西融水县,2012年被引到广东繁育并测定了基础数据,包括种质特性、繁殖性能、生长曲线、血液学指标、血生化指标、脏器系数、染色体分析。参照国家和地方有关实验动物标准,初步建立了融水小型猪微生物与寄生虫、环境与设施、饲料、病理学、遗传学等质量控制标准。融水小型猪能适应当地气候,繁殖良好,自然受孕率为88.3%,妊娠期平均112 d,初产平均胎产仔6.1头,经产平均产仔7.9头。融水小型猪体型小,雌雄成年体重(6月龄)分别为17.21±5.20 kg和16.35±5.23 kg,性情温顺,线粒体DNA分析表明融水小型猪比兰屿猪更为古老。通过标准化的饲养管理与质量控制,具有培育成实验用小型猪的基本条件。
The provenances of Rongshui miniature pigs (RMPs) were purchased from Rongshui, Guangxi, in 2012. 130 RMPs were transported to Sanshui, Guangdong, China, which were breed according to the laboratory animal standards. 83 RMPs were selected randomly from the first filial generations ( F1 ). The basic data were collected including breed characteristics, reproductive performance, grow curve, hematology, biochemical markers of serum and urine, organ coefficient, Chromosome analysis. According to the national and local standards, the quality control standards of RMP were set up including microbiological, parasitic, environment and facilities, fodder, pathology, genetic. The resuhs showed that RMPs adapt to the climate of Guangdong. The natural mating and conceive rate was 88.3% with the pregnancy of 112 days. The average number of firstborn and still-born was 6.1 and 7.9 respectively. RMP was small body size with the adult body weight of 17.21 ± 5.20 kg and 16. 35 ± 5.23 kg in female and male respectively. RMP was very tame. The mitochondrial genome analysis suggested RMP belonged a typical miniature pig breed in China, which is ancient than Lanyu pig. RMP could be breed as a new kind of laboratory animal.