Based on a vehicle-motion differential model, a simuhaneous localization and mapping ( SLAM ) algo- rithm hased on the extended Kalman filter (EKF-SLAM) is proposed in which the vehicle trajectm'y, whieh is considered to be composed of many small straight line segments, and the SLAM of a robot is realized using the columnar feature of the traffic environment and the EKF. The proposed algorithm can efficiently reduce the positioning error caused when only dead reckoning is used, i. e. , the positioning accuracy of the proposed al- gorithm is of the same order of magnitude as that eft the EKF-SLAM algorithm based on a vehicle kinematic model. Compared with the EKF-SLAM algorithm based on the vehicle kinematic model, the proposed algo- rithm has a simpler and more general model configuration. Meanwhile, because accurate measurement of the data required by the proposed algorithm can be done conveniently and thus less susceptible to noise at the sen- sor node, the stability of the system can be improved to some extent.