为了能够自动、实时地标定三维人脸曲面上主要特征点的位置,如鼻尖点和内眼点等,提出一种实时定位三维人脸特征点的算法.首先设计了一种基于曲面划分、直方图统计的三维局部曲面描述子——球划分直方图描述子,并使用该描述子逐点提取三维曲面顶点的局部曲面信息;其次计算其相似度,以定位三维人脸曲面上的主要特征点;在采用GPU并行运算后,能够有效地对三维人脸特征点进行实时定位.在三维人脸数据库FRGC v1.0以及BU-3DFE中的实验结果表明,与其他算法相比,该算法在三维人脸曲面上具有较强的三维人脸特征点定位能力.
In order to automatically find facial landmarks of a 3D facial shape, such as nose-tip and inner eye corners, this paper presents an effective approach to automatically detect landmarks of a 3D face in real time. A local surface descriptor based on partition and histogram, named sphere partition histogram descriptor, is designed to characterize local surface at a point on 3D face shape. Then we exploit the SPIDER descriptor to localize facial landmarks. The proposed algorithm is suitable for acceleration by GPU parallel computing. The experiments on FRGC v1. 0 and BU-3DFE show that our algorithm outperforms other existing methods on 3D facial landmarks localization.