By means of the single-factor experiments and using DNA of Exserohilum turcicum as the tem- plate, a suitable ISSR-PCR amplification system was estabhshed and optimized in the Taq DNA polymerase source and concentration, primers, dNTPs concentration, concentration of DNA template, melting temperature (Tm) and the number of amplification cycles. Among the 40 ISSR primers tested in the research, 9 polymorphic primers were screened to study the genetic diversity between 44 isolates of E. turcicure coming from the major corn planting areas in China. 40.3% polymorphic bands were amplified among the tested isolates, indicating the high genetic diversity in the population of E. turcicum in China. The dendrogram based on ISSR results revealed that the 44 isolates were clustered into seven groups at the threshold of genetic similar coefficient 0.8, which proved that the genetic diversity was evidently correlated with mating types, and there was no distinct relation between the fungal genetic diversity and their geographic distribution.