Recently, electroporation,as a new and effective gcne transfer method,has been applied to the study of mouse embryo developmental biology, especially to central nervous system development. In this study, in utero transfection plasmid DNA method was set up to embryonic mouse. The GFP expression vector pCAGGS-IRES-EGFP was microinjected into the lateral cerebral ventricle of E14.5 mouse embryos through the uterine wall. Then, the 30 V square-wave pulse was delivered across the head for 5 times with interval 50 ms by electrodes in parallel with the midian rapbes. Embryos were then allowed to develop for three days. The slices of transfected brain were checked under a fluorescence dissection microscope. The results showed that GFP was expressed in the lateral cerebral cortex. This system is of great significance to the further studies of cerebral cortex development, neuronal migration, axonal guidance and gain-of-function and loss-of-function induction.