目的:建立神经导向研究的模型,并鉴定netrin-l的神经导向功能。方法:用促性腺素释放激素(Gonadotropin-releasing hormone,GnRH)神经细胞为研究模型,建立双细胞团培养方法,用netrin-1诱导GnRH神经元亚克隆系NLT,观察细胞生长的诱导情况。结果:NLT细胞团在体外培养条件下,具有自发放射状迁移能力。在netrin-1诱导作用下,NLT细胞朝向netrin-1浓度梯度的方向生长,在靠近netrin-1细胞团的部位,netrin-1浓度梯度高,迁移出的细胞数目较多,约占总数目的68%,并且细胞迁移的平均距离较长为107-31μm;而在远离netrin-1细胞团部位,其netrin-1浓度梯度较低,迁移出的细胞数目相对较少约占32%,细胞迁移的平均距离较短为56.52μm。结论:netrin-1能诱导培养的NLT细胞发生明显的定向迁移,这为进一步深入研究netrin-1在神经系统中的功能和分子机制奠定了基础。
Objective: To set up a cell model for axon guidance and identify the function of netrin-1 in axon guidance. Method: Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neuron, which has the ability of migration in Vitro, was used. A system of double cell aggregates was set up to investigate the role of netrin-1 in migration of GnRH neuron. Results: NLT cells migrated radiatedly and spontaneously in Vitro from cultured cell aggregate. The NLT cells induced by netrin-1 migrated forward the higher netrin-1 concentration. The higher concentration, the more cell migration. We found that 68 % of NLT migrated into the proximal quadrant of the netrin-1 cell aggregate and 32 % of NLT migrated into distal quadrant; the migrated distance in the proximal quadrant and distal quadrant were 107.31 μm and 56.52μm, respectively. Conclusions: Migration of GnRH neurons was guided by netrin-1 in Vitro. This model will be important for further study on functions and molecular mechanisms ofnetrin-1 in the nervous system.