引言 目前大多数研究者都认为滴状冷凝是一个核化过程,即蒸汽在冷凝表面的核化点上首先发生核化,然后逐渐生长成液滴。冷凝表面上的胚团表面同时存在分子的冷凝和蒸发两个过程,只有当胚团达到某一尺寸,冷凝速率大于蒸发速率后,
Initial dropwise condensation of moist air on a hydrophobic self-assembled monolayer(SAM)surface was investigated with a high speed camera and a microscope.The transient initial droplet size distribution and the growth of micro-droplets by direct condensation on the surface without coalescence were analyzed from the concept of molecular clustering.Based on the general characteristics of nucleation of dropwise condensation,a molecular clustering physical model was proposed to describe the state of steam molecules in the bulk steam phase before condensing on the cooled surface.