利用掺Yb3+的光子晶体光纤作为光纤放大器的增益介质,采用反向抽运方式,分别从理论和实验方面研究了不同信号的增益特性,在信号光功率为6 W,抽运光功率为160 W时,获得了104 W的输出功率.实验发现,当抽运功率大于一定值时,放大器输出会有一定的不稳定性,并影响输出功率的进一步提高.
The gain characterization of photonic crystal fiber amplifier is theoretically and experimentally studied by using reverse pumping technique. The gain curves for different pumping powers and different signal lights are obtained experimentally. When the power of the probe light is 6 W and the pump power is 160 W, the output power up to 104 W, has been achieved eventually. It is found in the experiment that when the pump power is increased over a certain value, the output of the amplifier evolves into the unstable state, which in turn degrades the system performance.