The forms and aesthetic features of Chinese poetry have changed a lot from ancient times to now, based on some linguistic and psychological factors. The length of classical Chinese poetic line became longer and remains stable, i. e. 7 characters, which is affected by the processing ability of human brain. The stability of the poetic line length has made classical poems popular among the general public. Classical Chinese poems rhyme probably because they must be song or chanted. Modern poems that are generally read but not sung may not rhyme, but the rhymes of modem poems are more in types compared with clas- sical poems. The liberally shaped structure of Chinese makes imagery the highest aesthetic accomplishment of Chinese classical poems, but it also ren- ders more cultural load in words (i. e. Chinese characters), which calls for linguistic reform. There are three types of modem poems: new lyrics, formal poem and intelligent poem, and the aesthetic features of Chinese and other countries'modem poetry are similar to each other. It is necessary to improve the linguistic theory for the relations between language, brain and poetry.