外貌吸引力(Physical Attractiveness)是指个体理想的外貌形象及其诱发的愉悦情绪体验.外貌吸引力在人事选拔决策中可能导致“美的就是好的”及“都是美丽惹的祸”两类评分者偏差(Rater Bias),这些偏差可从认知心理学、进化心理学和认知神经科学三种理论视角进行解释.外貌吸引力所引起的评分者偏差受到人口统计学、人格特质、工作性质、选拔程序等因素的影响.真实选拔情境下的外貌吸引力问题、外貌吸引力偏差的控制、内隐态度的测量以及外貌吸引力作用机制模型的建构是未来的研究方向.
Physical attractiveness is that which best represents one' s conception of the ideal in appearance and gives the greatest pleasure to the senses. Job applicants' physical attractiveness can have a "what is beautiful is good" effect and a "beauty is beastly" effect on selection decision making. The rater biases caused by physical attractiveness can by be explained the cause of from the perspectives of cognitive psychology, evolutionary psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Physical attractiveness biases are affected by demographic factors, personality traits, job type, selection process and other factors. Studying the physical attractiveness bias in the real personnel selection progress and improving researches' ecological validity, measuring implicit attitude, exploring different ways to control the physical attractiveness bias, and building the theoretical model of the mechanism of physical attractiveness biases are recommended in future research.