Within the effect of single impurity under the framework of the Hubbard model,the phenomenon of quasi particle scattering interference in d-wave superconductor is studied.By calculating the local density of the Fourier transform,the main characteristics of the quasiparticle scattering can be obtained in d-wave superconductors,and these characteristics can be explained well by the Octet model.It is shown that the nonmonotonic dwave gap plays a crucial role in the phenomenon of quasiparticle scattering interference in the presence of a single impurity.And the intensity of the electron spectral distribution was found to be strongly suppressed at antinodal region.Moreover,there are some quasiparticle scattering peaks appear in the full Brillouin zone.The Fermi surface shows gapless nodes by calculating the electron spectral function and there are several characteristic local peaks along the nodal and antinodal direction.In particular,with the increase of energy,the position of the local peaks in the Brillouin zone moves distinctly.