Variability of the backscattering characteristics about the alga Skeletonema costatum and prorocentrum micans which represent for the nanoplankton and microplankton respectively were examined. The results indicate that the particulate backscattering coefficient value of Skeletonema costautm range between 0. 009 and 0. 097 at 420 nm, while the value of P. micans range between 0.011 and 0. 017, it concludes that the backscattering coefficient variation range of the S. costatum is relatively larger, while it's bbpc value which is the backscattering coefficient that would be exhibited by cells at a concentration corresponding to 1 mg Chllorophytl a, is lower than P. micans at all bands except 620 nm. Otherwise, the backscattering coefficient is highly line correlated with the chlorophyll concentration of the two alga, the shape of the particulate backscattering coefficient spectra of S. costatum is changed from the low chlorophyll concentration to the higher concentration, but the shape of P. micans remain the same. At the same time, there is some difference in the backscattering ratio spectra of the two alga, the maximum of S. costatum appears at 442 nm,while the P. micans'appears at 448 nm.