广东惠东县沿海真红树植物榄李生境存留面积13.85 hm2,分布于3个地点。其群落内共录得红树林植物7科9属9种,群落的整体物种多样性指数为0.956-1.565,均匀度指数为0.870-0.934,生境沉积物缺乏典型红树林沉积物的特性。惠东县的平海——黄埠榄李种群可确定为欧亚大陆分布最北缘的种群,针对该种群面临的环境威胁,提出了种群保育策略和措施。
The area of habitat of the true mangrove, Lumnitzera racemosa at coast of Huidong County, Guangdong Province was 13.85 hm2, which was separated as three places. Totally nine species of mangrove plants, which belongs to seven families and nine genus, were recorded. The Shannon-Wiener Index of communities were 0.956-1.565, while Evenness Index ranged 0.870-0.934. The sediments were lack of characteristics of typical mangrove. The population of L. racemosa located in Pinghai and Huangbu can be identified as the northern most population of the Eurasia. Regarding the threats to habitat, A conservation strategy and measures were proposed for population conservation.