分别采用RT-PCR和直接荧光免疫方法分析Ran2 mRNA在拟南芥不同组织器官中的表达及Ran2的亚细胞定位。结果表明,Ran2基因在拟南芥根、茎、叶和花中均有表达;Ran2蛋白在细胞分裂间期主要定位于核膜周边,在后期定位于赤道板上和纺锤体上,末期又回到子细胞核膜周边。
The expressionof .Arabidopsis Ran2 mRNA were analysed in different tissues by RTPCR, and the direct immunofluorescence microscopy was used to determine the subcellular localization of plant Ran proteins during the cell cycle. The results showed that Ran2 is expressed ubiquitously in Arabidopsis roots, stems, leaves and flowers. Ran2 protein was mainly localized at the nuclear envelope during interphase,at the equatorial plate and spindle during anaphase and at the surface of the daughter nuclei during telophase.