冲突分解算法是一种能有效改善无线信道多址接入协议的方式。本文对传统的冲突分解算法——树形冲突分解算法和先到先服务冲突分解算法进行了深入研究和仿真,探讨了这两种算法的优点和不足之处,提出了一种增强型的冲突分解算法(Enhanced Splitting Algorithm,ESA)。该算法继承了树形冲突分解算法和先到先服务算法的优点,不仅考虑了碰撞分组产生的时间,还考虑了分组的产生间隔,从而有效地提高了冲突分解算法的性能。仿真结果显示ESA算法是一种可行的算法。
Collision resolution Algorithm is an effective strategy to improve the performance of Medium Access Control(MAC) protocol. In this paper, the classical algorithms of Splitting Algorithm——Tree Splitting Algorithm and First Come First Service (FCFS) Splitting Algorithm are analyzed. Meanwhile, a novel Splitting Algorithm——Enhanced Splitting Algorithm(ESA) is presented. Based on the Tree Splitting Algorithm and First Come First Service (FCFS) Splitting Algorithm, the ESA Algorithm can take both the packets arrival time and their generation time into consideration. Simulation results show that the ESA outperforms Tree Splitting and FCFS Splitting Algorithm