为进一步研究工业中对聚酰亚胺取向膜基板进行摩擦取向处理时,在取向膜上产生静电残留,影响液晶分子取向的均匀性的问题,文章利用Dimension 3100型扫描探针显微镜(SPM)在聚酰亚胺表面摩擦产生了微纳米尺度的电荷,并对表面电荷的生成规律进行了研究.当SPM的导电探针在聚酰亚胺表面进行加工或摩擦操作时,会在探针与薄膜接触区域产生电荷,生成的电荷可以用静电力显微镜(EFM)进行观察.讨论了生成电荷的极性、数量、区域大小与摩擦过程中探针加工速度,所加电压大小、正负之间的关系,为在微观尺度探索聚酰亚胺表面电荷生成规律及生成机理提供了一种新的途径.
For further study of residual surface charges which were generated during the process of liquid crystal molecules rubbing alignment technique, surface charges in micro-nanometer scale were prepared on polyimide (PI) films by Dimension 3100 SPM. The charges were prepared by fabricating the surface with conductive SPM probe, and were measured with EFM (Electrostatic Field Microscope). The regularity of charges generation was introduced in the paper. It discussed the relationship between the polarity, quantities, areas of the surface charges and the voltage on tip, fabrication speed. It provides a new way of studying regularity and mechanics of surface charges generation on PI film.