根据热力学基本原理,采用计算机数值计算,对化学炉燃烧合成的铝碳化硅(Al4SiC4)粉体的绝热燃烧温度进行数值计算。结果表明:常温下Al–Si–C体系的绝热燃烧温度仅为1 300 K;只有当预热温度在930 K以上时,才可以实现自蔓延燃烧。Al–Si–C体系的燃烧合成将分步进行,首先生成中间产物Al4C3和SiC,而后由其形成最终产物Al4SiC4。通过体系中添加过量石墨,利用Ti–Si体系化学炉,燃烧合成出粒度均匀且纯度较高的Al4SiC4粉体,根据实验检测并结合绝热燃烧温度计算结果,分析了石墨过量对产物Al4SiC4粉体纯度的影响。
The adiabatic temperature of Al4SiC4 fabricated by chemical oven combustion synthesis was calculated using computer numerical calculation based on the principles of thermodynamics.Results show that the adiabatic temperature of Al4SiC4 fabricated in Al–Si–C system at room temperature is only 1 300 K.The synthesis cannot self-sustain unless increasing the preheating temperature up to 930 K.The reactions of this system occurred gradually,i.e.,the intermediates of SiC and Al4C3 were firstly produced and then the final product of Al4SiC4 was formed.The Al4SiC4 powder with the high purity and uniform size was synthesized with the exces-sive graphite in Al–Si–C system through Ti–Si system chemical oven.In addition,the effect of excessive amount of graphite on purity of Al4SiC4 product was also investigated.