在传统的供应链采购运作过程中,由于核心制造商一直对其供应商供货采取下线结算的方式,从而导致供应商一直承担着巨大的库存持有成本。在基于Supply Hub的供应链运作模式下,提出了一种新的资金结算方式:令传统的3PL充当第三方资金流提供商来对供应商提前支付货款,从而解决供应商库存成本压力过大的问题,并且实现对资金流、信息流、物流的整合。在新的结算模式下,通过对供应链的成本分析研究得出一种有效的供应链运作机制,从而提高供应商的响应速度及协同性,降低供应链的总成本。通过数据模拟进一步证明,在该模式下核心制造商能够获得更快的产品交货期;供应商能够有效地降低库存持有成本;第三方资金流提供商可以通过对供应商采取适当的惩罚来约束供应商,促使供应商对交货期做出最合适的选择,并且使自身获利。
In the traditional supply chain operation, the dominate manufacturers would not pay for the purchase expense until the material is consumed. As a result, suppliers have to afford the tremendous burden of inventory holding cost. This paper proposes a new capital settlement under the Supply Hub. Let the traditional third-party logistics (3PL) be a third-party capital provider, which to pay for the purchase expense to the suppliers in advance, so that to reduce the burden of suppliers and integrate the logistics, cash flow and information flow. Find out an effective mode of supply chain operation which can enhance the supplier' s collaboration and reduce the total cost of the supply chain by cost analysis. In this mode, the result of numerical analysis shows that the dominate manufacturer can gain a faster delivery time; suppliers can effectively reduce the inventory holding costs; the third-party capital provider can restrain the suppliers to choose the most appropriate delivery time by using effective punitive measures and make profit to itself.