This paper investigated the impact of alternating waterlogging and drought during the tillering stage on physiological traits of rice using pot experiments. We considered both slight waterlogging-drought alternation (T- LD) and severe waterlogging-drought alternation (T-HD). Main physiological traits were measured before, during and after occurrence of these stresses. The results showed that the activity of nitrate reductase in the leaves under T-LD was higher than those under T-HD and CK (conventional flooding). In comparison with those under CK, the concentration of malondialdehyde and the activity of glutamine synthetase (GS) under T-LD and T-HD de- creased significantly, while the concentration of chlorophyll increased. At ripening stage after re-watering, the ac- tivity of GS increased considerably and was higher than that under the CK, indicating that a moderate waterlog- ging-drought alternation during tillering stage can enhance physiological activity of the rice and delayed senes- cence without scarifying tolerance of the rice to flooding.