Objective To detect the keratin 16 and keratin 17 gene mutations in two chinese pedigrees of pachyonychia congenita type I (PC -Ⅰ)and Ⅱ( P -Ⅱ) and to explore the relationship between the genetic mutation and the phenotype of PC. Methods The DNA was extracted from the blood samples of 1 patient with PC - I and 2 patients with PC - Ⅱ, unaffected member of the pedi- gree , and 50 unrelated normal persons. PCR was used to amplify the long fragment containing exon 1 to 6 of keratin 16 and the mutation hot spot in the exon 1 of keratin 17 gene. The PCR products were directly sequenced to detect the mutations. Results Sequencing of the PCR products revealed that the codon 127 ( CGC ) was mutated as CCC in the affected member of the pedigree 1, causing the substitution of asparagine by aspartic acid in codon 127 (R127P) located in the 1A domain of keratin 16 gene. In the affected members of the pedigree 2 , the codon 99 (CTC,) was mutated as CCG causing the substitution of asparagine by aspartic acid in codon 99(L99P) located in the 1A domain of keratin 17 gene. No such mutation was found in the unaffected member of the pedigree and the 50 unrelated controls. Conclusion we report two mutations R127P in K16 and L99P in K17 in three cases with PC. we can make the prediction that proline mutations in the helical 1A domain of K16 or k17 are more likely to lead to PC - I or PC - Ⅱ compared with focal non -epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma (FNEPPK)and steatocystoma multiplex (SM).