The key operation of the automata-theoretic approach for model-checking is an emptiness checking algorithm, which can tell whether a finite state system satisfies its properties. It is usually done on standard Btichi automata with a single accep- tance condition, whose state size is very large and the state space explosion is prone to happen. In this paper, a heuristic SCCs empti- ness checking algorithm for generalized btichi automata is proposed, which is based on the on-the-fly algorithm, and can compute ac- cepting rims of transition-based generalized Btichi automaton by heuristic depth first searching and detecting for strongly connected components. The con'ectness and feasibility of our method have been confirmed by theoretical proofs and experimental results. Com- pared with the traditional methods, while transition-based generalized Bachi automaton is not empty, the time and memory consump- tion are reduced in our method.