以条纹斑竹鲨活体为材料,采用体内注射秋水仙素和低渗一空气干燥制片法,对条纹斑竹鲨(Chiloscyllium plagiosum)的染色体组型进行了分析。结果表明,条纹斑竹鲨的二倍体染色体数为2n=104,核型公式为2n=40m+26sm+8st+30t,染色体总臂数NF=170。其中第31对染色体带有随体。对所得结果与相近种类的核型进行比较,表明条纹斑竹鲨在已知核型的软骨鱼类中是二倍体数最多的种类之一,据此可以认为条纹斑竹鲨是比较原始的种类。条纹斑竹鲨的双臂染色体(in和sm染色体)较多,占63.5%,在鲨形总目中是较高的,与其它二倍体染色体数较多的鲨类差异甚大。条纹斑竹鲨的NF也大大高于其它已有NF研究报道的软骨鱼类。
The karyotype of Chiloscyllium plagiosum was studied by means of injecting colchicines, hypotonic treatment and air-dry technique. The results showed that the chromosome number of diploid cell of C. plagiosum was 104, the karyotype was 2n = 40m + 26sm + 8st + 30t, NF = 170, and the 31th pair of chromosomes had satellites. Compared to other Chondrichthyes so far studied, C. plagiosum was one of the sharks that has the highest chromosome number, and it suggested that C. plagiosum is a primitive species. C. plagiosum had a high percentage (63.5%) of biarmed elements among Selachomorpha, different from other sharks that had a high chromosome number. Furthermore, its NF was higher than any other sharks so far studied.