基于相对论扭曲波理论方法,并利用新发展的处理极化电子碰撞激发的计算程序REIE06,系统计算了中性镁原子基态3s^2 1^So到激发态3s3p^1P1,3s4p^1P1的电子碰撞激发微分截面和角关联(Stokes)参数,计算过程中系统地考虑了相对论效应、电子关联效应等.部分计算结果与已有的实验和理论结果进行了比较,得到了较好的一致性.
Differential cross sections (DCSs) and Stokes parameters for electron impact excitation of 3s3p^1P1,3s4p^1P1 states in magnesium are calculated by using the fully relativistic distorted-wave (RDW) program REIE06. In the calculations, the relativistic effects and electron correlations are considered systematically. The results are analyzed and compared with available experimental data and theoretical calculations, and they are in good agreement with each other.