以2010 年3 月31 日我国首次推出融资融券制度为研究背景,以事件前后-年的季度数据为研究样本,采用双重差分模型(Difference-in-Differences Model)实证检验了融资融券能否有效抑制标的股票管理层的盈余管理行为.研究发现,融资融券制度推出以后,无论我们采用更换样本、更换变量还是分样本回归,实证结果均未发现融资融券能有效抑制标的股票管理层的盈余管理.虽然如此,但研究仍可以丰富国内这方面的文献并为相关争议文献提供进一步佐证,更重要的是,研究结论可为政策制定者完善后续政策,进一步深化改革提供一定的经验证据和理论基础.
Using the quarterly data from 2009 to 2010 as sample and applying Difference-in-DifferencesModel (DID) research methodology, this paper makes an empirical analysis between margin tradingand earnings management. No matter which method we use, the results show that margin trading cannotinhibit earnings management of the target companies. However, this article not only can enrich our extantrelated literature, more importantly, but also has potential implications for policy makers to furtherimprove and deepen this reform.