After the data and local allometric equations in published literature concerning biomass of C.lanceolata trees were collected,meta-analysis was applied to generate pseudo-observations and to develop general allometric tree component biomass equations of C.lanceolata trees.The results show that the developed equations performed well for stem,above ground,and total tree biomass(R20.92),and better for root biomass(R20.87),but poorly for needle and branch biomass(R20.78) when estimating each component biomass of C.lanceolata.Adding tree height factor as the second independent variable slightly improved the predictive power of the allometric equation compared to the equation only involving stem diameter at beast height.Having been overlapped the estimated components biomasses,the estimated biomass values of the equations between above ground's was better compatible to that of total tree',and the correlation coefficient was over 0.99.The comparative results between equation test and the total tree biomass equation indicate that the general allometric equations fitted by the meta-analysis data can meet the accuracy requirement in estimating large scale C.lanceolata above ground and total tree biomass,and the equations can be use to estimate biomasses and carbon storage of regional C.lanceolata forests.