High levels of RNase, polysaccharides and polyphenol compounds make isolation of high quality RNA difficult. Thus it is presented an effective RNA extraction method based on the nuclease adsorbent macaloid, poly vinyl pyrrolidone, and high concentration of KAc and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, which has successfully extracted high-quality RNA from many materials difficult to RNA isolation, such as RNase-rich rabbit liver, plant and microbial tissues rich in polysaccharides, lipids and polyphenol compounds. This method was found to be better than the ones in common use-Trizol and Guanidinium isothiocyanate, the yield of which was at least three time higher. Furtherly, small RNA was enriched from total RNA sample from rice seedling through by repeat deposit which deals with high concentration of LiCl, PEG8000 and NaCI. The small RNA gained was confirmed to be used for following molecular biological research by RT-PCR with the primers designed on osa-mir-156 sequence from rice miRNA.