目的分析、挖掘北京王府中西医结合医院(以下简称"我院")名老中医治疗更年期综合征的用药规律,探索中医治疗更年期综合征的用药特点。方法收集2011年1月~2014年1月我院名老中医治疗更年期综合征的1000张处方,运用中医理论结合统计学方法分析其治疗更年期综合征的方剂配伍规律和特点。结果 1000张处方中常见有8种辨证类型,同一张处方出现一种以上辨证类型的分别计数,共计1081次,结果为肝肾阴虚型375次,占34.69%;肝郁脾虚型195次,占18.04%;血瘀型128次,占11.84%;气血两虚型94次,占8.70%;心肾不交型92次,占8.51%;脾肾阳虚型81次,占7.49%;阴阳两虚型69次,占6.38%;精血亏虚型47次,占4.35%。根据中医辨证类型的不同,治疗用药各有规律和特点。肝肾阴虚型治疗主要以滋肾柔肝、养阴清热为主,常用天麻钩藤饮、镇肝熄风汤、左归饮合二至丸、六味地黄丸、一贯煎为基础方加减;肝郁脾虚型治疗主要以疏肝解郁健脾为主,常选用逍遥散为基础方加减;血瘀型治疗主要以活血化瘀为主,常用血府逐瘀汤、桂枝茯苓丸为基础方加减;气血两虚型治疗常以气血双补为主,常用八珍汤为基础方加减;心肾不交型治疗主要以滋阴降火、交通心肾为主,常用交泰丸合知柏地黄汤为基础方加减;脾肾阳虚型治疗主要以温补脾肾为主,常用右归饮、金匮肾气丸为基础方加减;阴阳两虚型治疗以阴阳双补为主,常用二仙汤为基础方加减;精血亏虚型治疗主要以益精养血为主,常用小营煎、四物汤为基础方加减。结论本次处方分析为中医治疗更年期综合征提供有益参考,并促进临床中药学学科的发展。
Objective To analyze the regularities of drug use of TCM doctors in Beijing Royal Integrative Medicine Hospital("our hospital" for short) treating climacteric syndrome, further to explore the characteristics of TCM treating climacteric syndrome. Methods 1000 pieces of prescriptions for TCM treating climacteric syndrome in our hospital from January 2011 to January 2014 were collected, of which, the compatibility and the regularity of medicines were analyzed and calculated by TCM theories and statistics. Results There were 8 kinds of syndromes that commonly used of1000 prescriptions, totally 1081 syndromes, of which, 375 syndromes were yin deficiency in liver and kidney, counting for 34.69%; 195 syndromes were liver qi stagnation and spleen qi deficiency, counting for 18.04%; 128 syndromes were blood stasis, counting for 11.84%; 94 syndromes were deficiency of qi and blood, counting for 8.70%; 92 syndromes were abnormal physiological function between heart and kidney, counting for 8.51%; 81 syndromes were yang deficiency of spleen and kidney, counting for 7.49%; 69 syndromes were deficiency of yin and yang, counting for 6.38%; 47 syndromes were deficiency of essence and blood, counting for 4.35%. Regularities and characteristics varied according to different TCM syndromes. The treating method of yin deficiency in liver and kidney syndrome were mainly taking nourishing kidney to soothe the liver and replenish yin to clear heat. Basic formulas were Tian Ma Gou Teng Decoction,Zhen Gan Xi Feng Decoction, Zuo Gui Pill plus Er Zhi Pill, Liu Wei Di Huang Pill, Yi Guan Decoction. The treatingmethod of liver qi stagnation and spleen qi deficiency syndrome was soothing liver to nourish spleen. Basic formulas were Xiao Yao Power. The treating method of blood stasis was promoting blood circulation to remove stagnation. Basic formulas were Xue Fu Zhu Yu Decoc-tion and Gui Zhi Fu Ling Pill. The treating method of deficiency of qi and blood syndrome was reinforcing qi and blood. Basic formulas were Ba Zhen Decoction. The