目的 探讨中医治疗绝经综合征的用药特点和用药经验,为临床用中医中药治疗绝经综合征提供参考和帮助。方法 搜集并整理了北京王府中西医结合医院中医治疗绝经综合征的1000张门诊中药饮片处方,之后采用计算机数据库技术,创建了中医治疗绝经综合征的用药Access数据库,以中药学和中医学理论为指导,分析探讨中医治疗绝经综合征用药特点和规律。结果 绝经综合征中医用药,就四性言,用寒凉药为多,占42.40%,温热药占31.95%,说明绝经综合征属热证较多;就五味言,甘、苦味药物应用为多;就归经言,用药以入肝、心、肺、肾经者为多,肝经9715次(21.28%)、心经6994次(15.32%)、肺经6736次(14.76%)、脾经6555次(14.36%)、肾经6241次(13.67%)、胃经3929次(8.61%);就用药分类言,补气药、补阴药、养心安神药、补血药等补虚药应用较多,补气药出现频率2023次,占11.72%、补阴药出现1518次,占8.79%、养血安神药出现1153次,占6.68%、补血药出现1093次,占6.33%、发散风热药出现1010次,占5.85%、理气药出现997次,占5.77%、清热凉血药出现868次,占5.03%、活血调经药出现818次,占4.74%、补阳药出现805次,占4.66%、利水消肿药出现689次,占3.99%;就常用中药性能言,白芍、当归、茯苓、北柴胡、炒酸枣仁、炒白术、浮小麦、牡丹皮、生地黄、熟地黄等为常用药物,与补血、补气、安神药应用较多相符;就用药安全性方面言,选用有毒性的药品仅占1.33%。结论 绝经综合征病程较长,病因病机较复杂,中医在治疗此病上,选药比较谨慎,极少选用有毒性的猛烈的下品药,大多选用上品无毒性的补益药。
Objective To analysis the regularities of drug use of TCM doctors treating Menopausal Syn-drome. Methods : 1000 pieces of prescriptions for TCM treating climacteric were collected, of which the compatibility and the regularity of medicines were analyzed and calculated by Access data base under the direction of TCM basic theory,Chinese Medicine , Clinical Chinese medicine. Results For the four properties, herbs of cold and cool properties were of 42. 40% compared to warm and hot properties herbs 31. 95%. For the five flavors, herbs of sweet and bitter flavors were commonly used. For the meridian oriented effect analysis, most of the herbs belonged to Liver meridian, heart meridian, lung meridian or kidney meridian. For the herbs effect, qi-tonifying drug, yin-tonify-ing drug, heart-nourishing tranquilizer, blood tonifying drug were commonly used. For the drugs, fuling, White peony Root, Chinese Angelica, Indian Bread, Chinese Thorowax Root, Spine Date Seed,Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome, Light Wheat, Three peony Bark, Rehmannia Root, were commonly used. For the toxicities, herbs of toxicity were on-ly 1. 33% of the whole. Conclusion ( 1 ) Heat syndrome seemed more in the Menopausal Syndrome while blood deficiency and stasis are common syndromes in the Menopausal Syndrome. ( 2 ) The kidney deficiency is the most important pathogenesis through the disease. ( 3 ) While the Menopausal Syndrome is a kind of chronic disease, herbs with toxicity are seldom used.